Spiritual Singles Success Stories

Spiritual Singles Testimonials

Success Stories


Happiest Man on Earth!

Dear Jill,
I wanted you to know that, thanks to you, and your amazing site, I have found a wonderful lady love. As you know, I'm seventy years old, and have been alone for fifteen years, and now thanks to you, I'm the happiest man on Earth! She is a dream come true, and I will never be able to thank you enough. . .
Keep up the wonderful work.
You are far better than Cupid!
Stay happy,

Best Birthday Ever!

Thank you for being you! This may sound unreal to some yet the sequence of events tells a true story. The very day that I signed up on Spiritual Singles, May 2, 2013, I received messages from 2 users that tagged me as 'Interested in You'. One of those 2 was a bit interesting but didn't resonate with me. The other interested user has turned out to be my dream come true. We communicated back and forth for the next several days. We met in person on May 11th in his hometown of Bisbee, AZ. The rest so far, as they say, is history! We seem to fit together like 2 peas in a pod. We laugh, play,...

Conscious Site-Spot On!

I actually think I may have found someone special after years of searching / hoping / praying... we'll see : )

I just want to thank you for creating your site!! I've been on a few sites for years, and a couple of other spiritually inclined ones too.. but to me it seems that your site has become the main/primary site for conscious seekers to find each other. Congratulations for that!!  Probably for several reasons, but yours just works well! I've had suggestions for improvements on some other sites in the past, but yours is spot on.. just wanted to tell you that : )

Australia to Washington State!

Thanks to your site, I have met my mate, my true love. We ‘met’ at the end of April and after five months of twice daily and more emails and weekend chats and phone calls, I finally travelled from Western Australia all the way to Washington state in the USA to meet him… I booked my ticket about a month after we met!!

When I walked into his arms at the airport, it just felt totally right.. I had known him forever…It’s something about his vibration … our two souls come together and create this higher vibration.. There’s something about...

Even More Delicious!

There is a difference between hoping, trying and choosing. When I was on other sites, I was honestly checking things out, telling the Universe I was open… yet when I decided to go on your site, I had CHOSEN to find my beloved.
Within in two weeks of meeting lovely people online, I have met someone quite extraordinary. The soul connection is deep and the possibilities are beyond my imagination. For me, I choose to explore this relationship with total focus, surrender and openness to the fullest it can be, so I gratefully cancelled my subscription. I’m ready...

True Heart Connection ~ Destined...

Thank you for your site. My partner and I have made a heart connection and we know that we are committed to a life together. We believe that we were destined to be together, and your site made it a lot easier to have found each other as we are a significant distance apart (only geographically). That will change soon enough. Now we will go into the world supporting each other and radiating our harmonious, passionate Love. We will be able to change many, many more lives than we could have done separately.

Thank you for helping us find each other!

Australia to California

From Her:
I want to thank you - through your site, I met the man who was born with the wind in his hair and the starlight in his eyes - 'Angelico'. He is a creative genius: a holistic doctor, a spiritual psychiatrist, a brilliant composer of 2,200 songs, a writer of books, a shaman healer, and an inventor of a divination game. No other man shared my being so totally and repletely - we shared something primeval, strong, from the very wells of our souls, affecting us both so totally. Our peak moments together were full, we were perfectly in tune, strengthening a bond of passion and...

Love in Australia!

Hi Jill,

Again my heartfelt thanks for providing such a valuable web site service. I live in Melbourne, Australia.

I met Nancy in March 2011 on your excellent web site. We are both divorced. Nearly 1 year has passed. Your website structure is very comprehensive. Your compatibility questionnaires are brilliant. I did not trust them at first, but they have proven themselves to me now. Among many other things,

Nancy is a piano teacher from Hong Kong. She gained Australian citizenship before I met her. I have grown to love her more and more in this time as I...

1600 Miles Apart..no problem!

Fritz and I met on your site- I was attracted to him because he grew tomatoes and seemed so genuine.
We chatted by email for awhile...then by phone. Finally, we met in person and the love was wonderful! We have been in a committed relationship for over a year and just recently moved in together. We get along like two peas in a pod and it gets sweeter every day!
When we first met, we lived about 1600 miles apart. However; we did not let the 'distance thing' get in the way of our developing relationship. I believe there is someone for everyone...and not just...

Marriage in The New Year! From...

I wanted to let you know that I have found love because of your site and we are to be married in the new year! Though he lived in La Jolla CA and I in Portland ME, the distance did not prove to be a major deterrant for us and we are incredibly happy to have found love in our middle age. I will be moving there in January and it is a first marriage for us both. We have waited a long time to have found this joy.
The quality of men I found on this site was far superior to match.com or some of the other dating sites I have used through the years. I thank you for having...

4000 Miles Apart! Success From US...

I am so grateful.

I was celibate for almost 10 years after giving up on relationship and family. I joined a spiritual community and was determined to make a contribution on a bigger level. After 5 years of devotion and service, I felt dried up and almost dead. It seemed such a paradox to have such ecstasy in communion and spiritual development and yet physically feel that my body was withering before my eyes.

I took a bold step and chose to find my own liberation and ultimately was led to tantra. It was through a tantra practice that I met a woman (at a tantra...

Jolt to my Heart

Hi Jill,

The lucky man is known as *** on your site or Chip which I affectionately call him.  We live only 12 miles away from each other so moving wasn't necessary.  Our lives are blending nicely as his family and mine fully support our relationship.
We both were out of the field for years and only recently put out the intention of meeting someone.  We've compared our intentions and they are almost identical therefore we shouldn't be surprised of the manifestation being perfect.   We started contact with an e-mail on this site and...

4 Year Anniversary Update!

Hi Jill- Grateful, as this is the 4 year anniversary of meeting my divine partner Robin through your site. Robin was guided by her spiritual guides to go to your site. Her reply was I'm not looking for a relationship, and they repeated, go to te site and register.

I replied to her post with a comment from David Hawkins, and that caught her attention as she had been listening to him the day before while driving from CA to Tucson. Four weeks later I moved to Tucson to be with Robin.


Thanks again for providing a venue for our spirit guides to allow us...

The Best Match of My Life!

I, we, must thank you for providing a means of finding true love.  I signed up and although there were many people to choose from, I only found one person who sparked my interest.  It proved to be the best match of my life --- we've been together for 6 months now and are as happy as the first day we met.  We intend to write more but in a nut shell this is my spiritual love that I've been looking for all my life.  Thanks!!

Norway to Belgium! The Hand of an...

I just wanted to thank you for your awesome network. Thanks to the site, I found love again.
It's actually quite wonderful how I met this sweet, gentle man on your site and how we connected so well. 

It all started when I accidentally happened to stumble on to his profile, a guy with a weird alias and a fuzzy photo and a pretty 'fuzzy' profile-text too. I left the page quite quickly as it was kind of vague. But, the next day, I found a message in my mail box from 'fuzzy guy' and found him to be very gentle, kind and enchanting.

We sent each other mail after...

"I Found Mine Here"

Thank you so much for starting this site.  I have been on other dating sites in the past and could not find a person that was really walking the spirtitual path. I found mine here.  She is so beautiful inside anad out. I pinch myself to make sure that I am not dreaming because she is such a blessing and she lives in the life of truth.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Every day is so amazing.  We really consider each other in what is the highest interest for each other.  We dont sweat the small stuff.  A gift.

US Meets Canadian Twin Flame!

Well... I am so happy to tell you that I have a success story to share after being on your site for a year.  I believe I have met my twin flame "SoulFlight" from New Hampshire.  He found me after only being on the site for three days. He contacted me at the end of August, came out to Canada to meet me two weeks ago and things just evolved from there.   I just talked to him tonight on the phone and he told me that he sent you an email to let you know that he too found his match.  I have never experienced such a connection with anyone before and have a very...

Success in England! Love at First...

Many Thanks for your wonderful site enabling Spiritual people to come into contact with other Spiritual people. I have made some wonderful friends from using your site and have now found the person I wish to spend the rest of my Life with. We met just over a month ago and our first date lasted 40 hours lol. We connected on such a spiritual level and just enjoyed sharing time with each other as we got to know all about each other .

We both feel we are on our Spiritual journeys and wish to share our journeys with each other .
The last month has been wonderful enjoying...

Aussie Love Blossoms After First...

Thanks to your great, alternative website I found someone that I otherwise would not have met. He is unlike anyone else I have ever met and is right for me. I had seen your ad. in the magazine Living Now and it stuck in my mind, it took me a while to check it out as I was not that keen on signing up to a dating site, eventually I checked it out and did a search and on that search someone's profile picture got my interest.

Still I was debating myself whether I should sign up or not and the next night I decided to! After reading his profile I sent an Interest and a Hello and few days...

Blossoming New Love Brightens up...

This site is a great website and provides a wonderful forum for interesting people to meet each other. It has a number of features that make it stand out as my favorite dating website, including the in-depth questions and the compatibility tests.

I personally enjoyed most all my correspondences and contacts with people I encountered on the site and have met someone whom I am really enjoying getting to know. I think the relationship has great potential! The future is never completely known, but having that special person in one's life makes it look a lot brighter!