Dating Advice| Spiritual Dating Tips | Meetmindful

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What is the best timing to tell a date that you have an STD?

Dr Lori Beth
Let’s face it.  Dating can be daunting in the 21st century.  People are so busy that it is hard to find time to connect.  Thankfully, the internet makes some of the beginning stages of a search for partners easier.  You can join specialised dating sites that seek members who share some of the things you find most important.   These sites raise the likelihood that someone you meet will have the qualities or interests you find essential in a mate.   Once you have spent some time getting to know each other online, it’s time to head out on that first in-person date.    The anxiety and excitement mix together as you wait to see if that spark is there when you meet in person.  After all,...

How Do I Know If They Are the ONE?

Nijole Sparkis
Question: "I met someone I feel so close to, but we are going through a lot of ups and downs. How do I know if they are the one for me or not?" Good question! Even though I was blessed with a flash of inspiration and my husband and I both KNEW right away that we were perfect for each other, this isn’t always the case. In fact, surveys have revealed that only about 12% experience “love at first sight” and less than 30% know their partner is right for them on their first date. Most people respond that they know “after a couple of weeks”...

Greater Authenticity & Personal Freedom

Nijole Sparkis
I have truly been moving through many deep levels and layers of healing, following the passing of my mother last March.   People often describe a complete transformation taking place in their lives after the death of someone close. Something about death causes you to reach deeply into your soul – as I said when my sister passed away over 4 years ago, your “heart gets broken open.” Although my relationship with my mother was very...

Feng Shui Your Bedroom to Atract a Lover

Ken Lauher
Rest, Rejuvenation and Romance: Use Feng Shui in your bedroom to attract a lover or strengthen your relationship: Are you looking to attract a lover? Perhaps you would like to strengthen your romantic relationship with your partner. In Feng Shui, the bedroom (along with the kitchen and entrance) is one of the three most important areas of a home.  If you are struggling to find the love of your life, constantly fighting with your partner, or simply waking up exhausted every morning, the layout and colors of your bedroom may be contributing to these circumstances.   Create a Peaceful...


Janie Martin
This morning my Soul said this to me during a meditation and showing me as a symbolic image story of me as a precious gemstone lying buried just beneath the surface in the ground with a number of explorers looking to find me, that I, Janie, was a beautiful precious jewel that has been lying here buried in the ground.  Many have passed me by, walked over me even.  I was within sight but they missed me........they missed me because they did not deserve me, they were not ready for me, they did not believe they would find me, they would never have appreciated me because they could not see my luster buried here all alone. I am centuries old.  I am waiting here for the one who does deserve me, for the one who will discover the treasure that lies within their reach.  When I am found, the great value of that which I...

Ungrounded Energy, A Widespread Issue

Cameron Day
It used to be common knowledge in consciousness circles that a person needed to be grounded both energetically and physically.  People would talk about what foods helped them feel the most grounded, how spending time in nature helped them ground their meditative experiences and so on.  However, I have noticed a trend in the last few years where people are getting very ungrounded, and are even encouraging others to engage "spiritual" practices that are very ungrounding.  (Spell check says "ungrounding" is not a word, but I say that it is.  ) Two of the adverse consequences of being ungrounded are that it can cause a person to be too easily swayed by the opinions of others, as well as be fooled by any of...

What is “Layering” and How Can it Help Women Have Stronger Orgasms…

Celeste & Danielle
In thinking about how to give women their longest, strongest orgasms, we realized that what has helped us the most was Layering - bringing in a combination of sensations (in a specific order or all at once) to really deepen and spread the orgasm. Clitoral orgasms are the most common and foundational orgasm that women have and these orgasms are most likely to come from self-clitoral stimulation, sometimes with very little all-over body stimulation or fantasy. This is an amazing and wonderful way to have an orgasm, and we want you to think of it as the essential ingredient for most orgasms. There are many ways to add additional...

How Relationships Can Help You Heal

Patricia J. Crane, Ph.D.
"The journey of the heart is truly the only journey there is."  Relationships seem to be one of the hottest topics these days. Everyone wants one, but hardly anyone seems happy once they're in one! Most of the time when we are talking about relationships, we mean those intimate ones with a significant other. However, relationships abound in our lives, with a range from casual to intimate. In truth, all relationships provide us with opportunities to grow spiritually and practice unconditional love. Here are a few basics to remember when you are dealing with issues in relationships, whether with an intimate partner, a friend, or even a business colleague.  Relationships replay childhood dynamics and unhealed wounds. We bring others into our lives who will trigger these replays and thus help us with healing...

Intimate Communication when Dating

Robert Frey
The deeper connection of spiritual intimacy requires a dynamic interaction as well as moments of stillness and spaciousness. This constitutes the yang and yin of intimacy, the action and the receptivity. In a natural, harmonious intimate connection, there emerges a flow of giving and receiving, activity and stillness. This mirrors the dynamic nature of the Universe and all life. Ancient Tantric yogis and Taoists intently studied this interplay in order to understand and learn how to be in alignment with life. They discovered that both the activity of creating intimate...

Love is a Choice

Robert Frey
Once in awhile, if we are fortunate, a simple, yet profound concept will appear in such a way as to fully command our attention, shift our understanding of life, and gift us with a more comprehensive core belief. This was the case with a wonderful little book by Gerald Jampolsky titled, "Love Is Letting Go Of Fear". Inspired (I believe) by "A Course In Miracles", Jampolsky quite simply and directly postulated that all of our experiences can be distilled down to either love or fear, and that as we release fear, love appears....